Graphic design
A p p l e c a r p l a y


Renault presents its R-Link 2 on-board multimedia system and its new features, including the Apple CarPlay. A device that allows you to use certain applications on your iPhone while driving: calls, music, maps, etc…


R-Link 2 offers a real connected driver experience. And Apple CarPlay is clearly in line with Renault's desire to always simplify its users’ lives. The visual must therefore reflect this role of facilitator, while bringing together the world of driving and Apple iconography.

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The design concept is based on an urban representation in which the buildings morph into applications. Getting around becomes as easy as moving from one application to another. The minimalist rendering of the city emphasizes this notion of simplicity. The identification of applications is underlined by the use of Apple graphic guidelines.

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Creative director
Yves-Eric Deboey
Strategic planner
Neil Tamzali
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Graphic design
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